Momota gambles with his Rio Olympic
Momota gambles with his Rio Olympic
Japanese badminton superstar Kento Momota and teammate Kenichi Tago have admitted that they gambled at an illegal casino in Japan with other teammates, their team Nippon Telegraph and Telephone East Corp. said Thursday.
Momota, 21, who has booked a spot at this summer’s Rio de Janeiro Olympics, and Tago, 26, who suffered a first-round exit in the London Olympics in 2012, visited a casino in Tokyo’s Kinshicho area, which was raided by police in April and May last year, according to investigative sources.
The establishment for playing baccarat was closed after the investigation, and six people, including the casino’s operator and a senior crime syndicate member, were arrested last year on suspicion of opening a casino for customers to gamble. Casino gambling is illegal in Japan.
Nippon Badminton Association secretary general Kinji Zeniya said that if the allegations are confirmed, it would “probably be impossible” for Momota to compete at the Rio Olympics.
The two arrived at Narita airport Thursday morning after taking part in an international tournament in Malaysia. They did not answer questions from the press.
The casino in question raised around ¥100 million (around $915,000) in three months from February 2015, and the police suspect the money was a funding source for the Sumiyoshi-kai crime syndicate.
The casino’s operator and others related to the members-only facility were later convicted. About 380 customers were registered as members.
Momota, who ranks fourth in the world, became the first Japanese man to take bronze in a world badminton championships singles competition in Jakarta last August.
He also captured the men’s singles title at the BWF Super Series Masters Final held in Dubai last December, becoming the first Japanese singles winner in the tournament’s history.
Tago became Japan’s first six-time national champion in 2013.
In Japan, people who breach the Penal Code on gambling are fined up to ¥500,000. Frequent gamblers can be given up to three years in prison and those found to have opened a gambling venue and earned money can be slapped with jail terms ranging from three months to five years.
Publicly operated gambling in Japan, such as horse racing and “keirin” bicycle race, is not illegal.
Leaving a racket unused for more than 3 days, is a crime against Badminton
I highly doubt Japanese government would not let Kento to participate in Olympic Rio. Kento is the only Jap player whom might have a chance to bring home MS Gold Medal, and it would be extremely stupid if Jap government, in order to keep their law, forbid Kento for an opportunity for Japanese to get the gold medal home...for the first time in history of Japanese.
Afterall, the rule is made to be broken. But Olympic Gold Medal in Men Single?? well.... good luck with that trying to get them. Jpn WD & WS are also have better chance of gold medal. XD & MD, not that much.
Medali emas olimpic bisa diraih kapanpun, tp nama baik negara yg mengijinkan napi ikut kompetisi int jelas akan diingat sepanjang masa. Ini bisa dijadikan contoh untuk semua atlit
I pray for Indonesian player that non of them would be admitted due to Togel.
Apabila "napi" tdk bisa mewakili negara dalam kejuaraan krn image negara tsb bisa rusak, lalu image negara Indonesia gimana donk? Lihat aja wakil dprd mantan napi,... adiknya skr juga napi... anggota2 dprd dki banyak juga berprofesi ex napi ataupun preman jalanan. Dan mereka2 ini dikirim ke luar negeri utk tujuan "study banding" yg akhirnya hny ikut tour saja. Rusak donk image negara Indonesia di mata negara lain?
saya ndak bahas eks napinya hu, toh ndK ada larangan eks napi berprestasi, ini kasus kan diluar bulutangkis. Kalo kasus momota, misal aja kena hukuman min 3bln, susah jg ngejar point ke rio, kalopun lolos 3bulan tanpa bertanding scr kompetitif akan berat bg seorang atlit
Apalagi kalo statusnya masih napi pd saat Olympic, mustahil ia brangkat
Ini kasus bukan kemauan negara Jepang. Asosiasinya udah tahu kalau Tago dari dulu sering judi.
Masalah muncul saat Vittingus di dekati oleh "makelar" dan dia langsung buka suara (lagian pemain kelas di dunia di tawarinnya cuman segitu).
Secara petinggi BWF senegara dengan Vitingus, maka proses pelaporan cepat, mudah dan langsung menuju sasaran. Jadi BWF mulai melakukan proses pemeriksaan apakah ada pemain2 lain yg kemungkinan "bermain" di luar lapangan.
Eh ternyata, ternyata, ada sas sus yang nyampe ke BWF bahwa pemain Jepang kena hukuman disiplin karena judi. Proses penelusuran makin digencarkan dan mencuatlah nama Momota, karena dia adalah juara dunia junior dan calon kuat juara olimpiade. Maka asosiasi Jepang dengan cepat bertindak dan mengambil alih kasus ini.
Tapi tenang mastah. Asosiasi Jepang sepenuhnya ada di pihak pemain. Momota pasti akan dibela habis habisan. Sementara akan ada tumbal yang harus dikorban kan. Tumbal pertama sudah jatuh, namanya "Jepang". Asosiasi Jepang bertindak sebagai tameng buat pemainnya, mencegah BWF mengambil alih kasus dan berusaha keras supaya BWF tidak ikut campur dengan dalih, ini juridiksi negara Jepang, tidak ada sangkut paut dengan tepokbulu.
Tumbal kedua akan segera jatuh, tentunya bukan Momota. Kasus akan di buat sulit dan panjang, mengulur waktu supaya Rio cepat tiba dan Momota bisa meraih medali. Setelah itu baru Momota akan menjalanin hukuman ringan.
Japan is a country of principle, and that's their basic foundation, which separates them exactly from countries such as one that lies at the equator.
Of course, (some) people from that backward country at the equator would suggest that the end result will justify whatever the meaning to get it was, no wonder that country is such a haven for corruptors & becomes one of the world's most corrupt country.
Like the great governor Mr. Ahok said, "pemahaman nenek lo !".![]()
Last edited by gunawanspurs; 10 Apr 2016 at 12:18.
Sayang bgt, padahal momota lagi bagus bagus nya nih
Ada foto mesra Momota dengan wanita
Makin kemana mana deh kasusnya
Last edited by jualkaos2010; 12 Apr 2016 at 12:22.
Banyak bgt sih iklan judi online sekarang. Tapi cm ini nih yang banyak yg rekomendasiin. Namanya lexus kya nama mobil. Ato lo klik aja link ini biar gampang Yg kepo, yg mo untung banyak, yang iseng, gabut, daftar aja dulu kya gua. Stlh gue puas kepoin, deposit deh akhirnya. Ga nyesel kok cepet baliknya modal gue. Ga cuman balik modal sih kalo cuman balik modal ngapain juga kite buang2 waktu ye ga..Lumayan lah ni bisa buat liburan jalan2. Pokoknya no tipu2, data aman. Setelah banyak coba2 yg lain2 tuh dari iklan, gue sih cocoknya yg ini.
Last edited by CameronSpringer; 04 Jan 2021 at 17:33.
Seneng banget ganda putri Indonesia bisa menangin medali emas di Olimpiade Tokyo 2020. Ada yang menang taruhan?Kalo bingung mau bettingnya gimana, liat aja di Victorytoto, gampang.